Tuesday, November 25, 2008

'Get Over Yourself'

I get it. Blogging is for self-indulgent, self-righteous, ego-centric "writers," who think their opinion counts. I think to some degree this is true (of myself at least), but I also think bloggers have a tendency towards sadomasochism -- and definitely exhibitionism. And I mean this -- for once -- in the least sexual sense possible.

Friends (or maybe just my friends) will make fun of you until you cry -- or pee your pants, whichever comes first-- for having a blog. But for bloggers, not even a verbal golden shower will keep them from flaunting their raw, naked thoughts for all the Web to see. This is sadomasochistic exhibitionism prose at its finest, and I am proud to join these literary perverts for my first post. It is simultaneously freeing and binding, exalting and humiliating to just put it all out there.

So in the words of my very good friend, "Get over yourself, Allison."

Except, this time, I think I'm about to get really, really into myself....and I hope you come along for the ride.

1 comment:

JonBoy said...

As I said before, you and your friends can laugh at me and all other bloggers as much as you want, but I'll be laughing right back at you on the way to the bank.

Of course its not easy to do, but it's the easiest money Ive ever earned... except for maybe that one time this hot chick came up to me and asked me...